Monday, March 28, 2011


 I attended the 2011 Amnesty International Annual General Meeting in San Francisco last week and it was AMAZING! If you have never been to San Francisco you should add it to your bucket list, because there would be a number of things you would want to do before you die. First, the sea food is delicious. I don't like sea food because when it comes to living in southeastern Pennsylvania you have Red Lobster, gross, and Chesapeak Crab. I don't eat crab at all so that just narrows it down not eating sea food at all. But San Francisco has the best fish and chips in the world. I would show you a picture, but thanks to Erika Stewart she only allowed me to take a memory card that can only take 26 pictures. On Sunday of our trip we ate down at Fisherman's Warf where when I went to throw away my food AND ALMOST GOT ATTACKED BY A BIRD. If you ever want sushi, try Sushi Toni. Despite being a novus sushi eater, this resturant will give you the best salmon roll of your life where there is a balance of fish, nori, and rice. Also, the sushi chiefs are great and make good conversations. Also in addition to the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, visit Golden Gate Park. Its relaxing, especially when your waiting for an update at the hospital. And where some sneakers because I was the idiot who wore flip flops because my jeans didn't match my sneakers. Needless to say I wore the same outfit with sneakers and it was fine. Also, there were other idiots who were wearing high heels walking around the park. It must of been a first date place because that should be the only reason to wear high heels because walking around a huge park like that must be a killer on your feet. DON'T GO TO HAIGHT AND ASHBURY, especially if you been in a certain situation with a lady named Mary Jane cause it would trip you out. San Francisco is flooded with homeless people which is cool because they don't bother you. But when you go to Haight and Ashbury I guess the crazy people just naturally flock there. I tried to take that picutre of both street signs and a homeless man was yelling at me saying "Fuck you" and "Your a tourist, stop taking pictures of me." I was scared. I told my friends we have to go to the otherside of the street. I liked how each district is distinct. Like when we were walking towards the Castro (I saved the best for last don't worry girl) from Haight and Ashbury it was like a whole nother world. It was like there were a huge wall that was keeping all of the hippies, homeless, and grafitti within that wall.

Ok bitches, I got what you came for, CASTRO. These men are the most finest mothers in the world. I was taking pictures because I knew it was going to be down hill from here. and I felt my inner Harvey Milk and I  wanted to gather some of them and protest. Protest about what I just don't know, but I wanted to protest. Too bad I had the munchies during that time because I wanted to walk around with my hag and just be fabulous.

So there are a few things you shouldn't do when your in San Francisco. First, you should take at least $200 with you. Not realizing that its California, its hella expensive with a sales tax at 10%. I asked the sales person at H&M whats the sales tax and I nearly blew a gasket. she replied with saying, "Your in San Francisco." Bitch. Anywho, you should plan your days out in terms of what you want to do especially when your with a group of 10. Also, I wanted to travel to Oakland home to the hyphy movement, Keek the Sneak, and Turf Dancing. I wanted to rent a car from the airport just to ghost ride the whip. I wanted to go to Berkley and check out their political science program. Oh well there will be a next time. Also I was an idiot, but don't go up those mountains they call "Hills." they are frodic. If your hotel is downtown and you got off a flight, take the BART system and not the Supershuttle these people will rip you off.

1 comment:

  1. Also, don't walk the trails along the Golden Gate Bridge just after it rains. There is an increased chance of a hospital visit occurring.

