Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring time=Break Time

     Like most college students during midterm weeks of cramming, papering, and being socially missing in action I couldn't wait until spring break came. Unfortunately, I live in Lancaster City and next to Park City and my friends Millersville University has become the solution to my boredom in this characterless city, so I couldn't wait for break to be over. Sadly, I couldn't rob a bank and spend money on a vacation (hopefully next year). To satisfy my boredom I made a list of what I wanted to do during spring break:
1. Midterms are over, so the mess on the desk of notes, notebook paper, index cards and books need to be CLEANED off of your desk. Matter of fact clean your whole room. 
2. Research for your paper 
3.DO and FINISH your paper
4. Exercise-summer is coming up
5. Keep yourself busy
Because of procrastination, I never got anything done on my list so everything turned out to be Youtube, Pandora, Grey's Anatomy Hulu Videos, and among a few things. gave me a few good ideas that I could have done during my spring break at home so next year you should do because I promised myself a vacation to my homeland, Hawaii, next year.

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