Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hooking Up: The Need for Casual Sex Gone?

In the words of Lil Kim "I've been gone for a minute, now I'm back with the jump off." For this reason I apologize to the two people that I have reading "Are you there SoCo it's me, Dan?", but there was nothing interesting that I found to write about or that happened to me. I could have written about the near catastrophic Apocalypse that happend on May 21st, but I didn't hear back from the Devil about his retirement and me taking over Hell. Going back to the title of the blog post, I found an interesting CNN report about the "hook-up culture." This is just another ambiguous media term for casual sex, like sexually active or terrorist, which means all people of the Middle East or Dearborn, Michigan. To summarize the article, college students are saying no more to casual hook-ups because of rejection or to use one of my mantras "hit it or quit it." These nights are fueled with drinking before hand and then hooking up with a random person. They say that they're tired, I say that sounds like a good night. There are plenty of benefits to hooking up, one not being emotionally available. My favorite benefit is that you can use a fake alias like, Saaphaire  or Dominic James. This is useful when you know that the person is going to Facebook you the next day. In addition to my favorite benefit, you can use fake numbers if you know that the person is going to call you like the rejection hotline. Also, if this person is at your house and you just got out of the shower you can say, "I have to take a shower and by the time I get out, you'll won't be here" ( make sure they leave before you start the water). The only rule that I have is don't hook-up with someone you know, especially if you hang out in either the same circles. Also, PRACTICE SAFE SEX!

1 comment:

  1. Saaphire....sounds familiar.
    Your posts always make me laugh. I miss you Kitty.
