Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Don't Go in the Cave, White Girl!

If you ask a white person if black people are crazy they would probably respond by saying they have insert number of black friends, give you a lecture on PowerPoint on why black people are just misunderstood and say in there conclusion that your just a racist. But the truth of the matter is they are because obviously, unless ghetto by birth due to environment, they live in high rise apartments in the city surrounded by doormen, hybrid cars and Trader Joe's or in the suburbs surrounded by Walmarts and nice malls like KOP or Exton. On the other hand, if you ask a black person if white people are crazy they'll respond with, "Them niggaz are crazy." I'm not trying to be a racist or anything, but when it comes to white people, "them niggaz are crazy." And here are a few things.

All my high school and college careers I have been dealing with the people of the Caucuses and I came up with a few reasons why white people are crazy:

1. Killed by certain Circumstances because you need advice or help
This is in movies and in real life and personally I believe that this is why black people get killed in a horror movie first. there are two reasons. First, we try to warn you not to summon someone or mess with a certain voodoo or hoodoo ritual. For instance in the movie Clive Baker's Candyman. One of the parts Helen, played by Virginia Marsden, is attacked by Candyman or Tony Todd. Just then hes out in the hall way and so is her black friend Bernadett who gets killed by the Candyman because Helen doesn't believe in the Candyman. Secondly, we just happend to be in the wrong place at the wrong time because white people need help all the time. For instance, white people are clumsy and they would trip over a gust of wind. But it's always black people in the end who get killed because we have to pick you up and shut you the hell up so we won't get killed. and because you won't shut the fuck up, we get killed.

2. Doing things that your not qualified to handle
Grizzly man comes to mind. In this documentary made in 2003, Grizzly Man tracks a man for 13 summers in Bumble Fuck State Park, Alaska where he harrases and assults bears. This man even goes as far as trying to swim with the bears, PUNCHED A BEAR IN THE FACE, and giving them names like Grinch and David (David is made up, but he punched Grinch in the face). After many warnings by the park rangers, and punching the bear in the face, him and his girlfriend get eatin up by a bear. This is a HOT MESS. Don't touch anything that doesn't belong to you or that moves knowing that it may kill you unless your qualified like Bindy Irwin, her father, or the Crocidile Hunter.

3. Getting lost
White people take a compas, implant a GPS tracker up your butt, or take some flares where ever you go. You people have a habbit of getting lost going to the store, going to someone's house, or going to school. Which I don't understand because most of these places 20 feet away from your house. And then I have to hear about it on the Today Show or on CNN News following a breaking news about a little boy who may be up in a helium balloon somewhere only to be found in the attic somewhere. And stop making up or exaggerating stories too. Because not only will I have to watch a story of you on the Today show or CNN news, but  I have to hear follow up stories as well. In addition to getting lost, falling into places where you shouldn't be like your child falling into a well. And the funny thing is, unless you threw her in that well, how in the hell did she get in there? This is a response to little jessica who is graduating somewhere or reached a certian age for a trust fund.

4. Crazy activities that shouldn't perform
I like when white people act like jackasses. I especially like it when white people do things that are considered "jackass like" and make a show called Jackass. Now I know that this is old, but don't copy off of these jackasses, jackasses. This is dangerous and they have a "DO NOT PERFORM THESE STUNTS" in the beginning of each show.

5. Obsessing over certain things
This may or may not have anything to do with this article. I know that white women like to be a princess one day, and even read or watched the movies starring Anne Hathaway "Disney's: The Princess Diaries." About princesses, I'm tired of hearing about Kate Middleton and Prince William's marriage. We are American and we escaped the harsh treatment of the British and became a world power of our own. Therefore, why do we care whats going on, on the other side of the pond? Although on a side note, I like Princess Diana and the hummanitarian work she did for landmines, however, I don't like her dress that she wore for her wedding day, and I'm hoping that Kate dosn't wear something like that for her wedding.
Vampires are another thing that I hate. I don't understand these vampire shows or the people who play them, especially Twilight. I like the director of the first Twilight, Catherine Hardwicke. I like her movies Thirteen and Lords of Dog Town, help me get threw a lot during my teenage years despite not being a girl in the seventh grade. But what I don't like is an awkward movie, with awkward actors, placed in an awkward setting where there is nothing but cloudy. And despite making a movie that did well in the box office, Kristen Stewart who plays Bella Swan is the most awkward, constipated looking girl in the whole world. And she always complains about being an actress taking interviews in  British Elle, which is the magazine which people think that American's can't read Queen's English which we could. I want to tell this woman Stewart to Stewart, If you don't want to be an actress or atleast try, then you should have went back into hiatus or back out in general of the last two movies."

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