Sunday, April 10, 2011

there is a disaster and your worried about is Food

(Read Below) I'm not racist, and I just want to make that clear before anyone accuses me of being too harsh on God's chosen people. But I have to be considering that there was two earthquakes, tsunami, and a nuclear explosion and the people of Isreal are worried about sushi. I understand the aspect of cost-pull inflation, especially when I have to put in for gas for a 2007 Toyota that isn't even mine every other week. But when there are people dying of radiation all they are worried about is soysauce. And the funny thing about the soysauce is that most of it is imported from the United States. And why would you want the fish in the first place? Most of it imported from Japaneseland isn't healthy for you because its probably filled with radiation. Israelis fear sushi shortage after quake - Israel Business, Ynetnews

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